Temporary Closure
Following the announcement by the government on 28th May, we are very pleased to announce that we will be re-opening Alington Dental from Monday 15th June 2020!
We have been overwhelmed by your support during the lockdown period and ask that you bear with us that little bit longer, after which time we look forward to welcoming you back into the practice.
Initially we will be prioritising those patients who have had or are still in severe pain - we have a list of patients who have contacted us to use the emergency triage service during the lockdown period and we will be contacting you shortly to discuss your current needs.
Thereafter we will reschedule all examinations, hygiene and routine appointments – we have a record of all appointments that have been cancelled because of the lockdown. We will be in touch to arrange appointments, and we will ensure every patient is seen as soon as possible.
please do not attend the clinic unless you have an appointment booked as we will not be able to see you.
Safety and infection control have always been a high priority at Alington Dental and over the lockdown period we have been continually reviewing guidance, ensuring that when we do re-open, we are providing a safe environment for our patients and team members. Planning our return to work has been ongoing for some weeks now and we have updated our operating procedures and increased our safety protocols as well as purchasing enhanced PPE.
As a result of these increased protocols, your next visit to the practice may look and feel different. Our team members will be wearing enhanced PPE, and we will of course be promoting social distancing, therefore your journey through the practice may be a little different. Fear not though, we are still the same team we were prior to entering lockdown!
Finally, thank you again for your loyalty and patience throughout this pandemic – we truly are grateful for your support and cannot wait to get back to seeing and treating our patients.
Best wishes
Simon and the team at Alington Dental